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About IULM Flow - International Summer School

IULM Flow, a project with a cosmopolitan flavor, a dedicated International Summer School that will include Six Classes, Three Days together with IULM Lecturers, Guests & Professionals of International Standing, with the aim of making the teaching offer and vision of IULM University known to an international audience.

The International Summer School is aimed at all Young Graduates & Professionals aspiring for Master Programs in the Fields of CreativityInnovation & Communication.

The Program is Free and entirely taught in English. You will be able to attend lessons online.

IULM Flow - International Summer School (Day 3)

Session 1 - 5:30 - 7:00 PM (IST)
Topic - Innovation, Entrepreneurship and The Role of the State
- Prof. Alberto Mingardi

How does innovation work? How can entrepreneurs achieve their potential? How do they build on science and research? Are markets fostering or hampering new technologies and research programs? This lecture will provide an attempt to understand the role of innovation in our society. What is often called “capitalism” would be better referred to as “innovism”, as Professor Deirdre N. McCloskey suggested. An innovative economy is per se the result of a culture that rewards risk and success and allows for experiments to flourish - more than of the widespread availability of capital. How does science enter the picture? Is the need for strong investments in R&D better suited to government bureaucracies than for private players?

In the second half of the event, two renowned experts, Professor McCloskey and Matt Ridley (TBC), will provide a fresh and counterintuitive response on these matters, in two dialogues with Professor Mingardi.

Session 2 - 7:30 - 9:00 PM (IST)
Topic - Strategic Crisis Communication. Lessons from Covid-19 Pandemic
- Prof.ssa Stefania Romenti

The lecture aims at illustrating the key principles of effective crisis and risk communication. In risk and crisis communication, channel selection and trustworthiness are important predictors of people’s information processing and adherence to recommended behaviours. Despite a number of warnings from the scientific community and the lessons learned from previous infectious disease emergencies (i.e. SARS-CoV, H1N1 influenza pandemic, MERS-CoV, Ebola virus, and Zika virus), governments around the world have shown low capacities to respond effectively to health emergency outbreaks.

Guests will reflect upon research data and practical experiences about the use of news media for retrieving information about virus, crisis response strategies acted by governments and business companies. Mistakes and best practices will be shared and commented.

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