About IULM Flow - International Summer School
IULM Flow, a project with a cosmopolitan flavor, a dedicated International Summer School that will include Six Classes, Three Days together with IULM Lecturers, Guests & Professionals of International Standing, with the aim of making the teaching offer and vision of IULM University known to an international audience.
The International Summer School is aimed at all Young Graduates & Professionals aspiring for Master Programs in the Fields of Creativity, Innovation & Communication.
The Program is Free and entirely taught in English. You will be able to attend lessons online.
IULM Flow - International Summer School (Day 1)
Session 1 - 5:30 - 7:00 PM (IST)
Topic - Cultural and Creative Industries and Social Impact
Speaker - Prof. Pierluigi Sacco
Cultural and creative industries are becoming a topic of key relevance in the policy agenda at the European level, and even more so after the publication of the New European Agenda for Culture and the announcement of the forthcoming KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Community) on Cultural and Creative industries announced by the European Commission for the 2021-27 term. In this lecture, we will discuss in more detail why not only cultural and creative production is a future pillar of economic growth and job creation in Europe, and especially so in the post-pandemic phase, but also why culture is a powerful driver of social and behavioral change that may play a crucial role in tackling societal challenges such as global climate change, the construction of intercultural societies, or a humane approach to the migrant crisis.
Guests will be invited to critically reflect on the untapped potential of culture and on how these insights apply to their local context and to their community and professional environments.
Session 2 - 7:30 - 9:00 PM (IST)
Topic - Milan at the Crossroads. A «Glocal» Contemporary History of the City
Speaker - Prof. Massimo De Giuseppe
The lecture-conversation aims to describe the key interpretative elements of Milan (Mediolanum, “in the middle of the plain”) inside the Italian contemporary history, placing it in an international context, as a specific branch of historical knowledge. The main idea is to discover the role of the city as a creative hub of constant change and innovation, through past relationships between individuals, political actors, movements, social groups, institutions to better understand their historical evolution and the way they work in the present time.
The lecture will be illustrated with diagrams, audiovisuals and images and will provide in-depth knowledge about relevant themes on the recent experiences of Milan in the international landscapes. The lesson will be combined with a dialogue with with experts, scholars and protagonists of the history of Milan in the international scenario: Massimo De Giuseppe will talk of the reconstruction of Milan in the international scene after the second world war; Filippo Del Corno, Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan will speak of the city as an international cultural hub through initiatives related to the recovery of the historical traces of Leonardo da Vinci; Piero Bassetti, first president of the Lombardy region, expert of the concept of “Glocal”, president of the organization Globus and Locus and founder of Italica Net and the international journal “Glocalism. Journal of Cultura, Politics and Innovations”, will present the projecton of the history Milan in the future; Carolina Orsini, director coordinator of the civic collections of the municipality of Milan will talk of Milan as a World City, combining it with a virtual visit thorugh Mudec, Milan Museum of Cultures, which was opened in the new millenium to preserve the memory of the economic and social processes that have shaped the city’s identity, in the buildings of the old Ansaldo industrial plant at Porta Genova. The disused factories,authentic monuments of industrial archaeology, have been converted into studios, workshops and new creative and innovative spaces.
To get more insights about the Courses offered by IULM,
visit: www.minervaeduhub.com/iulmuniversity or write to eduhub@indiaitaly.com
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